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Accessibility Statement

Website Accessibility Statement for Private Entities pursuant to Article 3, paragraph 1 of Law No. 4 of January 9, 2004


Manifattura Valcismon S.p.A. is committed to making its website accessible by Law No. 4 of January 9, 2004. This accessibility statement applies to:

Compliance Status:

Partially compliant
This website is partially compliant with the requirements of Appendix A of the UNI CEI EN 301549 standard due to the non-conformities listed below

Non-accessible Content 

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons, in violation of Law No. 4 of January 9, 2004:

  • C. - Some non-text content presented to the user does not have an equivalent text alternative that serves the same purpose.
  • C. - In some cases, information, structure, or relationships conveyed through page presentation cannot be programmatically determined (or are not available via text).
  • C. - The visual representation of text and images containing text does not always meet the required minimum contrast ratio, except in cases allowed by regulations (e.g., logos).
  • C. - Some text, except for subtitles and images containing text, cannot be resized up to 200% without using assistive technologies and without losing content or functionality.
  • C. - Content that does not require a two-dimensional representation (such as data tables or maps) does not reflow when the viewport size changes.
  • C. - For some essential components, even in different states, the color contrast with adjacent elements does not exceed the ratio of 3:1.
  • C. - In some cases, when mouse hover or keyboard focus makes content appear or disappear, there is no mechanism to dismiss the additional content without moving the mouse pointer or keyboard focus. Additionally, the pointer cannot be moved over the additional content without it disappearing, or the content does not remain visible until the hover or focus event is removed, the user dismisses it, or the information is no longer valid, except for certain allowed exceptions.
  • C. - Some functionalities cannot be used via keyboard (or an equivalent input interface).
  • C. - There is no mechanism to skip blocks of content that repeat across multiple web pages.
  • C. - The purpose of some links cannot be determined from the link text alone or from the link text together with adjacent content.
  • C. - The focus indicator is not visible on some interactive elements.
  • C. - Some components with the same functionality across multiple web pages are not identified consistently.
  • C. - In some cases, user interface components (including form elements, links, and script-generated components) do not have correct or properly set names, roles, states, properties, or values, or users and their assistive technologies are not notified when these change;

Preparation of the Accessibility Statement

This statement was drafted on 24/01/2025.
The evaluation was conducted by third parties through objective and subjective analyses (as per Article 3, paragraph 1, of Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/1523).
The statement was last reviewed on 24/01/2025, following the recommendation to periodically review (at least annually) the accuracy of the claims contained in this accessibility statement.

Feedback and Contact Information

People who require assistive technologies or specific configurations for navigating content can report any instances of non-compliance to the following email address:
In addition to the report, the email should include the following information:

  • Website URL
  • Available tools (operating system, browser, and any assistive technologies or compensatory tools in use)

A response to any reports will be provided within 30 days of receipt.
Reports that do not fall within the scope of accessibility cannot be processed

The processing of personal data will be carried out by the privacy policy.

Methods for Reporting to AgID

In case of an unsatisfactory response or no response within thirty days to a notification or request, the concerned party may submit a report to AgID via PEC at the following address:

Website Information

  1. Publication date: 12/04/2022
  2. Usability tests conducted: no
  3. CMS used for the website: Kumbe CMS Software

Institution Information

  1. Number of employees with disabilities in the organization: 12
  2. Number of workstations for employees with disabilities: 0


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